Monday, August 11, 2008

Up, Up and Away!

I was sitting on our patio the other evening minding my own business when I heard voices. From above. No, not the same kind of "voices" Joan of Arc claimed she heard. This voice said "hey buddy, can you toss a beer up?" To my surprise, three colorful hot-air balloons were sailing over the house at roof top level. The neighbor kids were delighted, and it made us smile, too. They hovered over our yard for a few minutes, then rose again and moved off to Wisconsin. I hope they had a great trip. I have never been in a hot-air balloon, and it's not on my list of things to do before I go, but I can appreciate that others find it desireable, and I'm sure it's a whole new look at the neighborhood, from a new perspective. We all need to change our points of view from time to time, but I prefer doing it with my feet planted firmly on terra firma.


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