Monday, June 30, 2008

Too Many Toys!

We have a new member in our household – a small, black toy poodle we named Bijou. He’s 16 weeks old and weighs less than 4 pounds. He’s a bundle of energy and fun. It seems everyone has brought him a new toy – he has several balls, chew bones, fuzzy critters that squeak, and a chocolate covered plastic donut that he loves to chase when we roll it. (It also squeaks.) As if that wasn’t enough, he’s also taken possession of our cat’s toys. We try to keep the toys corralled in a basket on the floor, but he’s already learned how to tip it over and grab his stash.

Watching him play with his toys is always entertaining – he can’t decide which one to play with so he tries to play with them all – he’ll run from one to another in a frantic effort to get them all, and, in the end, gets confused and exhausted and goes to his kennel to regroup.

I think there’s a lesson to learn here from the little guy. Some days I feel the same way as I try to juggle work, family, play time, and personal time. It can get confusing and it is exhausting. We could all stand some “kennel time” to regroup. Thanks for the lesson, Bijou! What do you do to regroup? SpeakOut!

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