Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Don't Put It Off - Do It!

It's been a very emotional two weeks for me. My older brother passed away after fighting cancer for the last 8 months, and the family gathered in Michigan to say goodbye. No sooner did we get home and get our suits cleaned when another friend of many years passed away from cancer, after fighting it since last August. We promptely went to Iowa to pay our respects and support our friends.

We had a trip to Italy planned for this fall, taking my brother and sister-in-law - a trip that will never happen now. We have great memories of previous trips with them to Italy and France, but this one was going to be special, and the hope of that trip was keeping my brother going as long as he could.

Why do we put things off? I've been asking myself that question now for quite a while. We could have gone last spring. We could have gone last fall. We didn't, and now it's too late for that special trip that he so would have enjoyed. Lesson learned - whether it's a business decision, or a personal one, if there's something you want to do, and can do it, go for it. Don't wait until it's too late or unavailable. If you do put it off, and then you can't have it for whatever reason, it hurts all the more.

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