Thursday, January 8, 2009

It's Fair Time

It's that time of the year again when thousands of designers,retailers,and buyers from around the world convene in Frankfurt, Germany, for Heimtextil, the largest trade show in the world for home fashions. It's a visual treat and somewhat overwhelming for the first time visitor. I always come away inspired with lots of new ideas and photos for presentations and articles that will last me to the next Heimtextil 2010. Deb Barrett and I will be roaming the aisles of the ten buildings that house the show next week. We'll be exhausted with sore feet and aching backs - and I can't wait! I'll let you know some of the highlights of what we see when we return home.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy New Year!

2008 is coming to a rapid close, and many might say "good"! In any event, 2009 is just around the corner, and none of us know what it might bring, but we have hopes for the best. My wish for you in 2009 is success, health, good family and friends, and love. Make 2009 the best it can be!

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Marketing Yourself

I just got off a webinar that I hosted with JoAnne Lenart-Weary of One Day Decorating as the presenter. JoAnne spoke about the importance of marketing ourselves and our business, and in todays economy it's even more important than ever before. Look at what you're doing, what's working, what's not working, and then try something different. You need to reach diverse audiences, and that requires diverse methods of marketing - don't just do one and think you're reaching your target audience. Eleanor Roosevelt said "do one thing every day that scares you." Let's take her advice!


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

We'd like to hear from you!

The editor of our magazine, Sheri, would like to hear from you on this subject:

What is your New Year's Resolution for your business?

You can respond here on the blog, or e-mail Sheri at Please include your full name, business name, city, state, and grant permission to publish your response -


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New Vision Launches

The newly rebranded magazine, Window Fashion VISION launches next week with it's first issue going out. Watch for it to arrive in your mailbox and enjoy the new look and content! A new website will also go up, If you're a WFCP member, click on the button marked EDUCATION to enter the new WFCP website. Share your comments with us on how you like it!


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A New Vision

When your November Window Fashions magazine shows up in your mailbox, be ready for a new Vision. We're changing the name to Window Fashion Vision - but it's more than that.

"We are raising the bar. We are on a mission to elevate window fashions in the minds of designers and consumers," said Grace McNamara, president and CEO of Grace McNamara Inc., parent company of Window Fashions magazine. "The re-design and re-naming of our product better represents what we have to offer, which is the industry vision for our readers and advertisers. We are the voice, the views, the 'vision' of the industry.""There is much we in the window fashions industry can do to gain back lost market share," said McNamara. "We must make window fashions a hot product choice in the minds of consumers and designers. Our new magazine—which is designed to be even more inspirational for designers—is part of elevating that perception."

"Throughout, the magazine will have more the look and feel of an inspirational magazine geared to all designers and window fashion design professionals," said Sheri O'Meara, editor. "We aim to speak to their passions and give them inspiration and information to create beautiful work for their clients. The new look and feel of the magazine speaks to and through design professionals—be they designer/decorators, workrooms, installers or manufacturers."

I hope you share our Vision!


Monday, October 13, 2008

Nature's Palette

It was gray and drizzling a light rain as I drove to work early this morning. Seems the sun was trying to get through the dark clouds but was struggling to make it. It's only a 12 mile drive from door to door, along a small country road, but it took longer than usual this morning - because I was floored by how the colors of the leaves and grasses had changed over the weekend. I didn't need sunlight - the oranges, yellows, reds, hot pinks, and even some purples were glowing with light. Every turn was a new surprise, and I thought "is this the same road I used driving home on Friday?" Our colors are not even supposed to peak for another two weeks, but I thought this morning "It can't get any better than this!" Or can it?
